Sunday, March 29, 2009

About "Cranford"....

Wow. I was not prepared for the death and unahppiness. So often, I find myself offended by brutal manipulation of my emotions, but in the case of "Cranford", I am going to be forgiving. Being a single woman (who considers herself single-by-choice) I felt the pain of the women of Cranford who remained unattached. As a person who has found and lost love, I really felt the pain of those women who remained unattached when that was not their choice. I wondered throughout the episodes why these women didn't speak up when I would have. Why didn't she tell her father she was in love with major whoever and why didn't the rector's daughter just say to the doctor that she needed some space to process her brother's death. Why why why? Because that would have ruined the story, duh.

So, I loved it. Immensely. I loved the familiar faces (Willoughby-yum), the town, the country side, the clothes, the animals, the etiquette....all of it. I want to visit the town of Lacock and go to a May day festival like when I was a kid.

Ooooo. "Little Dorrit" comes on tonight. :)

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