Monday, April 6, 2009

I hearby swear.......

to not put frivolities on my charge cards, to cancel my cell phone contract and to not sign a contract with another cell phone company, to shop at Aldi for just about every damn thing I need, to shop at the thrift store instead of Target and Walmart, to walk to the train instead of taking the bus, to stop buying movies through on demand and use the Netflix subscription like its my job, to save money to fix my car, to not go on vacation this summer, to SAVE SOME MONEY SO I DON'T HAVE TO LIVE LIKE I MAKE HALF OF WHAT I ACTUALLY MAKE. btw, Sprint and are some you know whats.


  1. I find the easiest way to make sure I save some money is to have it come straight out of my account every month, before I can touch it. That way I know I always have a 'rainy day' fund for if the house needs fixing.

    Good luck with your new oath :)

  2. thanks Rachel. I always say "ok with my next check I wil.....". I need to just do it!!


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